Episode 72: Where to Start with Creating a Signature Process for Your Services

If you run a services business, a signature process can be a game changer. Offering something that makes your business unique is one of the best ways to make more money. Here are tips on creating a signature service for your business. *Pin this post for later*

Hands down, one of the best ways to make more money as a service business owner is by having a signature process. So what is this? Where do you start? In this episode we’re sharing what we’ve learned about creating a signature process to help you get going.

Here’s the scoop from Episode #72:

A signature process can be a game changer for a services business. But the idea of it sounds pretty big and scary. We think “a signature process – who am I to have one?”

Well, guess what – you totally need one. Why?

Well, it showcases your expertise.  You are in business because you have something unique to offer so market that. You are a professional and a boss, so let them know that. People will pay for specificity – and your ability to solve their problem.  A signature process is always about being specific.  And this uniqueness, or specificity, will position you in the market.

So what is a signature process?

Essentially it is a formalized process or set of steps with a defined result. Something that’s in a package and enables you to position your services as higher-end. This is how you are going to take your services to the next level where you are getting paid a higher premium per hour.  Don’t get hung up on the word “process” – it could be an approach, or a method, or even a final product.

How to get started

Base it on what you already do – you aren’t going to create this from thin air; you’re going to take something you’re already doing and formalize it.  You are giving form to the intangible (and or tangible!) work that you are doing. It’s your secret sauce.

So what do you look for when setting up a signature process? Take a look at the steps you take to do something or a specific approach you might use. Think of this like pre-work where you are gathering information, etc.  You might not realize all the steps included in what you do, but take the time to document everything involved in delivering your product. We can’t emphasize enough what a name for a step in your process can elevate the importance of what you are doing.  Instead of calling it “pre-work”, call it the “brand discovery process”.  Sounds sooo much cooler!

The key is operationalizing the steps so you can actually sell it – and explain it easily. You want people to immediately be able to see how this works. And what they will get out of it in the end.

For example – our Power Consulting Sessions. We took the three most common types of sessions and gave them cool names. Who wouldn’t want to sign up for the Funnel Factory? How fun does that sound?!

Another example – one of our signature packages is for InfusionSoft. It is essentially an onboarding package for people getting started with InfusionSoft. Now, this isn’t easiest software to understand right out of the gate (Maggie likes to call it ConfusionSoft!), but it is a great tool for businesses. When Brittany realized that she had a certain expertise in this software and an ability to explain it, it became clear that an opportunity existed to market this skill. There are tiers of training available, depending on what the client wants. By showing them the software and what it can do, it often turns them into ongoing clients. By creating some structure and form around what you do, it creates value added and why you want to do business with us, which you won’t get with the InfusionSoft company.

You can probably come up with lots of other ways to wow. You can even create a signature wow!  Whatever you choose, just wow them.

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